Category: Category 4

  • 🚀 The Final Community is Live! Welcome to! 🎉

    After 5 weeks, 5 4 communities, and countless hours of work—the last one is here, and boy, am I tired. For the last 22 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of marketing tools—ad servers, affiliate programs, CRM platforms, automation software, and now, AI-powered solutions. Some tools transformed the way marketing teams operate, while others overpromised and…

  • Community 4 – Sometimes You Just Have to Take the Loss and Move On

    Building five online communities in five weeks is an ambitious challenge. Some weeks feel like a sprint, others like a marathon. And then, there are those times when you don’t even make it to the starting line. This week was one of those. Instead of launching Community 4, I got hit with an unexpected visitor—Influenza.…